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A healing journey is a personal adventure of emotional roller-coasters. Its important to understand how the Mind, Body and Soul align when overcoming uncertainties while stepping out of stagnation. Each area of your life is affected by trauma, which means each area has a define need of healing and balance for your well being. We believe; Healing Her Empowers Her - Mind, Body and Soul.



Women only groups provide people with a place to discuss the problems that are unique to women among others that can relate, empathize and provide valuable help. It is important for people in recovery or facing other issues to have a place where they can speak with people that they trust. 

Meeting are held every first Monday of the month at Whitehall Metropolitan Library. 

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Life coaching focuses on what is happening right now, what a person wants next, and how that gap can be bridged. Our goal is to motivate you to create personal goals with self-evaluation while analyzing our emotional stagnation. We assist you in identifying potential challenges and obstacles you may face by devising a custom plan of action designed to help you achieve specific outcomes in your life and in initiating your own personal healing journey


  • 5 Stages of Healing

    • The five stages, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance are a part of the framework that makes up our learning to live with the one we lost. 

  • Self-Discovery

    • Self-development is taking steps to better yourself, by learning new skills or overcoming bad habits.

  • Understanding Mental Health

    • Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood


Book a Speaker

Healing Her Mind, Body and Soul is so essential in maintaining a healthy lifestyle for her and her family. Our goal is to encourage women to start their healing journey, getting to root of their stagnated hurt and finding peace, acceptance, and forgiveness. Book me to speak about "Finding Your Peace During your Healing Journey".

Public Speaker


Woman with Freckles

Healing the Mind

Mental healing" emphasizes the interpenetration of what are usually called "mind" and "body" and makes use of the power of thought to affect the body. In the worldview of mental healing, people's deeply-held thoughts make them ill or at least create the preconditions for disease and psychological problems

Pilates Work Out

Healing the Body

Simply changing the way, you think and taking charge of what occupies your mind, can improve your physical health and well-being. While positive thinking will not cure everything, a healthy mindset is a key component to a healthy body.


Healing the Soul

Soul healing is a deep spiritual path which has its prime focus on your true self and your destiny. It also helps in expanding your spiritual awareness, build conscious connections with your spiritual guides and develop relationships. It also helps in personal and professional goals that are in align with your true self and your soul’s path.

Healing Her Empowers Her 

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