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The Heal Her Foundation, Vendor

Terms and Conditions

Terms, Conditions and Rules for Exhibiting in the Heal Her Foundation tm (HHF)-Sponsored Exhibit


  1. PURPOSE OF CONFERENCE The Heal Her foundation was established for the personal growth of women dealing with their Mind, Body and Souls. The natural essence of a woman is to nurture others in which often times become an override of their personal health, wellness or happiness. Our mission is to unite all women from all walks of life to build a sisterhood centered wellness with educational awareness, physical growth and mental support.

  2. INDEMNITY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Neither HHF or other sponsorship involved with HHF conference, nor the Rosedale International Center or host facility, hereinafter Exhibit Building, nor any of its officers, agents employees or other representatives shall be held liable for, and they are hereby released from liability for, any damage, loss, harm or injury to the person or property of the Exhibitor or any of its visitors, officers agents, employees or other representatives, resulting from their theft, fire, water or accident or any other cause. The Exhibitor shall indemnify, defend and protect HHF and the Exhibit Building and save HHF and the Exhibit Building, harmless from any and claims, demands, suits, liability damages, loss, costs, attorney’s fees and expenses of any kind which might result from or arise of any action or failure to act on the part of the Exhibitor or its officers, agents, employees or other representatives. It is the responsibility of the Exhibitor to maintain proper insurance cover be for its property and liability.

  3. ASSIGNMENT OF EXHIBIT SPACE HHF shall assign the Exhibit Space to the Exhibitor for the period of the Exhibit (provided the Exhibit Building is made available to HHF) in priority order passed on receipt of enclosed contract Such assignment is made for the period of this Exhibit only and does not imply that the same or similar space be held or offered for future exhibits. Every effort will be made to respect the Exhibitor's space choices whenever possible, but HHF's decision will be final. HHF reserves the right to transfer assignments when such action is deemed to be in the best interest of the total exhibition. HHF reserves the right to withdraw its acceptance of this Application/Contract if it determines in its sole discretion that the Exhibitor is not eligible to participate or the Exhibitor's product or services is not eligible to be displayed in this Exhibit.

  4. USE OF EXHIBIT SPACE An exhibitor shall not assign to a third party its right hereunder to the Exhibit Space or any portion thereof without the prior written consent of HHF, which it may withhold at its sole discretion if such consent is given, the Exhibitor shall assume full responsibility for the conduct of the assignee and all its representatives, and the Exhibitor shall not charge its assignee more than a proportionate share of the exhibit fee based upon the amount of Exhibit Space assigned. 5. EXHIBIT HOURS HHF will establish exhibit hours and reserves the right to make choices, however, such changes will be made as far in advance of the exhibition as possible Each Exhibitor is required to keep at least one attendant in his booth during a11 exhibit hours; failure to do so may result in removal of his exhibit from the show at his expense.

  5. HHF will establish exhibit hours and reserves the right to make choices, however, such changes will be made as far in advance of the exhibition as possible Each Exhibitor is required to keep at least one attendant in his booth during a11 exhibit hours; failure to do so may result in removal of his exhibit from the show at his expense

  6. INSTALLATION AND DISMANTLING The Exhibitor explicitly agrees that in the event he or she fails to install his or her products in assigned Exhibit Space or fails to remit payment for required space rental at time specified HHF shall have the right to take possession of said space and lease same or any part thereof to such parties and upon such terms and conditions as it may deem proper in addition the Exhibitor shall not dismantle or otherwise interfere with the orderly conduct and display of the exhibits until the Exhibit Floor is finally closed to the public.

  7. DISPLAYS AND DECORATIONS Merchandise, signs, decorations or display fixtures shall not be pasted, taped, nailed or tacked to walls. No Exhibit, merchandise or equipment shall be left in any aisle, but shall be confined to Exhibit Space No signs or advertising devices shall be displayed outside Exhibit Space or protecting beyond limits of Exhibit Space as to interfere with any neighboring Exhibit.

  8. FIRE REGULATIONS Exhibitor shall not pack merchandise in paper, straw, excelsior or any other readily inflammable materials. All cartons stored in the Exhibit Building shall be emptied of contents Exhibitor shall use no inflammable decorations or covering for display fixtures and all fabrics or other material used for decoration or covering shall be flameproof. If required by local law or ordinances, Exhibitor shall have on hand in its Exhibit Space a notarized affidavit establishing that its display material has been treated during the last year by an approved chemical. All wiring devices and sockets shall be in good condition and meet the requirements of local law.

  9. BOOTH EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES Space rental includes those terms listed in the accompanying exhibit brochure or letter.

  10. STORAGE AND PACKING CRATES AND BOXES Exhibitor will not be permitted to store packing crates and boxes in the booth or the Exhibit Hall during the Exhibit but these, when properly marked will be stored and returned to the booth by service contractors. It is the Exhibitor's responsibility to mark and identify all crates and boxes. Crates and boxes not properly labeled may be destroyed. No trunks, cases or packing material shrill be brought into or out of the Exhibit Space during exhibit hours.

  11. CONTRACTOR SERVICES AND INFORMATION HHF has in the best interest of the Exhibitor, selected certain firms to serve as the official contractors to provide necessary services to Exhibitors Complete information, instructions and schedule of prices regarding drayage, labor for set-up and dismantling, electric work, furniture, special cleaning services, etc. will be included in the Exhibitor Service Kit to be forwarded after space has been confirmed. An Exhibitor Service Center will be maintained on the Exhibit Floor to facilitate service requests from the Exhibitor. HHF assumes no responsibility or liability for any of the services performed or materials delivered by the foregoing persons and parties.

  12. OBSERVANCE OF LAWS Exhibitor shall abide by and observe all laws, rules regulations and ordinances of any applicable government authority and all rules of the Exhibit Building.

  13. CANCELLATION OR TERMINATION OF EXHIBIT/ EXHIBITOR CANCELLATION NO REFUND on rental space/booth, even in the event of war, fire, strike, Exhibit facility construction or renovation project, government regulation, public catastrophe, Act of God, or the public enemy or other CAUSE beyond the control of HHF, the Exhibit or any part thereof is prevented from being held, is canceled by HHF or, the Exhibit Space becomes unavailable.

  14. EXHIBITOR CONDUCT Exhibitor and its representatives shall not congregate or solicit trade in the aisles. The prior written consent of HHF is required for the employment or use of any live model, demonstrator, solicitor or device for the mechanism reproduction of sound. Such employment or use shall be confined to the Exhibit Space. HHF, in its sole and absolute discretion, may withdraw its consent at any time, in which event Exhibitor shall terminate such activity immediately all promotional plans must be submitted to HHF for approved Distribution of pamphlets, brochures or any advertising matter must be confined to the Exhibit Space. Exhibitors are prohibited from bringing alcoholic beverages into the Exhibit Area. Exhibitor shall refrain from any action that will distract attendees from attendance at the Exhibit during open hours. Exhibitor shall not lead attendees from one Exhibit Space to another or to elevators or escalators. Exhibitors or any of its representatives shall not conduct itself in a manner offensive to standards of decency or good taste.  

  15. AGREEMENT TO TERMS CONDITIONS AND RULE               Exhibitor agrees to observe and abide by the foregoing Terms, Conditions and Rules and by such additions Terms, Conditions and Rules made by HHF from time to time for the efficient or sale operation of the Exhibit, including but not limited to, those contained in this contract. In addition to HHF right to close an Exhibit and withdraw its acceptance of this Application/Contract HHF in its sole judgment, may refuse to consider for participation in future Exhibits an Exhibitor who violates or fails to abide by all such Terms, Conditions and Rules. There is no other agreement or warranty between the Exhibitor and HHF except as set forth in this document. The rights of HHF under this contract shall not be deemed waived except as specifically stated in writing and signed by an authorized representative of HHF.

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